Hello, Sacred Light!

Thank you for trusting your heart's inner knowing to Activate the Angel within!

The Diamond Heart Keys is the foundational series to Stephanie Lodge's newly expanded program, Quantum HALO! A journey of remembrance of sovereign self-devotion that leads to self-empowered co-creation and balanced manifestation, where frequency and harmony always come first! 


Diamond Heart Keys is a 7-Module program that activates the Diamond Heart, or multi-faceted "operating system" required for Sovereign Life Alchemy and ultimate Angelic Ascension. If we define Angelic as "high vibration" or "of purest Source light" as conscious frequency, we begin to align and learn to reinitiate our true sacred nature. Quantum HALO is designed to activate, align, and harmonize your entire energetic system - where your core intelligence as your multi-dimensional Diamond Heart can be fully utilized!!


This audio-only series is valued at over $800 USD but is currently available for only $333 USD! You will be able to access all of its meditations, activations, guidance, and more on-demand for life!

The Seven Steps to restore your Sacred and Sovereign Heart Are Only a

Click Away... 

Below you'll find a brief outline of each Module to give you an idea of what the Angelic Arts & Sacred Sciences of Quantum HALO truly are and how they align with some of our most ancient ascension teachings on the planet. More importantly, as the Quantum HALO journey continues, you'll learn the importance of recalibrating and redesigning these old paradigms and narratives to better serve your future manifestations for a Sovereign Life!


2 Audio Recordings and PDF

This recording will give you an introductory overview of Stephanie’s understanding of Angels as the living light substance that is always in motion to create all that we witness as our reality. She will then guide you through a sacred journey that reclaims your Diamond Heart and aligns the Diamond Heart Keys into a trinity complex or mechanism of co-creation.


This initialization provides a deeper connection within to create a more elevated life experience going forward.

You’ll learn about…


• the higher “Angelic” heart chakra that links you to the collective elemental forces of Angelic Life, Light and Sound and its Key or conscious command


• the Heart central database or “Lightbrary” that provides unwavering conviction and unconditional love of self and others, and its Key or conscious command


• the Key to our Ultimate Love solar center that fuels us with graceful authority


• the Three Sovereign Statements that liberate you from all distorted fields and forces


• the two core energies that all must work on balancing to experience their true immaculate frequency

    MODULE 2:


    2 Audio Recordings

    Now that your Diamond Heart is online, you’ll learn how to put it to use as a tool for dreaming awake a new reality and manifesting your authentic life through the dynamics of the Angelic Dream Keys, various conscious commands and practices that assist with full Angelic embodiment and empowerment.


    The first process is activating its magnetic field and anchoring it as a vehicle of intention.

    Topics include:

    • Mind Framing: How to create customized Dream Keys or maps of conscious creation within the Mind Frame
    • How to engage and program your Diamond Heart operating system
    • Heart Mapping – amplifying your magnetic field interface for collective manifestation
    • Locking in your Dream Key or conscious command until it manifests as reality!

    The second recording walks you through the entire Diamond Heart Magnetics process.

      MODULE 3:

      2 Recorded Meditations

      Learn to transform your personal resonance with the Stephanie’s Harmonic Alignment Light Optimization (aka HALO) processes that realign your multidimensional frequencies located within your DNA/RNA sequencing.

      On the first recording you’ll receive information on…

      • How your resonance is your residence and how the regular practice of HALO can calibrate your magnetic field utilizing the various Angelic Light Streams and Angelic Dream Keys of Sovereign Source

      On the second recording you’ll experience…

      • Diamond Light Alchemy – Stephanie’s signature REVEAL-RELEASE-RESTORE meditation for full body and field regeneration utilizing the ultraviolet, violet and diamond light streams and Angelic Dream Keys: Raziel, Zadkiel and Metatron.

        One time I was at Bodhi Tree and I met a tall woman…and immediately when I saw her before she spoke, I knew she was a master. What does it mean to be a master? A master is someone who has exceptional capacities. But, the first capacity of the master and it was a sign for me to recognize her…it’s not a superpower…it’s humility.”

        Michel Pascal

        Meditation Teacher for Google and Transformational Filmmaker

        “I was very scared and afraid regarding an upcoming speech I had to give to the largest audience I had ever spoken in front of. I worked with Stephanie and she guided me to ask my angels to help and guide me during my speech. During the speech I felt a definite presence of them and my speech went very well!”

        Dr. Rajiv Parti

        Author of "Dying to Wake Up"

        “I have to say that there are very FEW people in the world these days who can hold, let alone share, so much healing light. Stephanie is one of those remarkable beings who is able to channel a stream of healing light so powerful that transcendence is a normal occurrence in sessions with her.”

        Kevin Ackad

        Energetic Healer

        MODULE 4:


        2 Audio Recordings

        Harness the highest frequencies of Diamond Plasma Light to elevate Diamond Earth through a series of Light Streams comprised of Sovereign Source Language that is the conscious architectural intelligence of all matter.

        On the first audio recording you’ll…

        • learn the difference between galactic languages, Angelic language, and Sovereign Source language of creation

        On the second audio recording you’ll…

        • experience a series of energy transmissions or light streams of pure Sovereign Source Language that supports energetic empowerment, alignment, and elevation of your entire plasma body.

        Expect your Diamond DNA or Angelic Light codons to amplify!

          MODULE 5:


          2 Audio Recordings

          Construct your Wings of Diamond Light through this powerful visualization process that integrates your wing chakra centers with your Diamond Heart’s pure intention.

          On the instructional audio you’ll…

          • discover the 5 Sovereign Light Streams of the Elohim: Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine, Sovereign Feminine, Sovereign Masculine and Universal Architect
          • learn how to set up personal or group sanctuary with your Seraphim Light Field utilizing your activated wingspan
          • engage your energetic field of sovereign light to sweep the field, energetically shield, comfort and heal, plus so much more!

          On the guided meditation audio you’ll…

          • be guided through a visualization exercise that serves as a living transmission from the Angels to release and open your primary wing centers (chakras) on your back to further your Angelic embodiment.

            MODULE 6: HALONETIX 369

            2 Audio Recordings

            HALONETIX 369 is an aspect of Stephanie’s direct transmissions of Harmonic Keys that specifically neutralize mental distortions and static magnetic fields to calm the mind, activate bliss states, and integrate more immaculate light using neutral numerical codes that represent electromagnetic waveform and dynamic field intersections.


            They are an aspect of Source Living Light that is delivered from the Metatronic field in its purest state in order to empower the heart with little interference from the mental filters.

            Topics include:

            • learn more about the technology that Stephanie directly streams or deciphers, how she discovered it and how it connects to the new Seraphim "Dragon" frequencies

            • learn the three ingredients of a “Bliss Bomb”, one of Stephanie’s favorite super supplement elixirs

            • gain additional insights and practical guidance on being a Diamond Angel in the “real world” including a few tips from Stephanie’s personal Vibrational Life Plan – lifestyle protocols she suggests for the “Care and Feeding” of Diamond Angels


            On the recorded meditation recording you’ll experience…


            Some of the universal HALONETIX 369 sequences that bypass mental interference to activate, align, amplify, and integrate your most immaculate state of light and love, and begin to dislodge subconscious programs, anchored timelines, genetic blueprints, and other unconscious or hidden distortions

              MODULE 7:

              2 Audio Recordings

              Stephanie says, “The Diamond Age is upon us, dismantling the old ‘Golden Age’ matrix and timelines that kept us on a track of self-destruction in the endless pursuit of pleasing an authoritative God and a pursuit of the material currencies.


              The Diamond Dragons represent an archetype of the Sovereign Light Architects of the higher vibrational planes building the holographic blueprint of Diamond Earth. These ancient intelligent forces have been known as the Builders. They are polymorphic fields that are held as containers for us to populate with conscious light and sound. They can be utilized to transform massive areas through love-centered direction and causal belief.”

              Topics include:


              • Stephanie’s latest info on the Diamond Dragons or Sacred Seraphim as spiritual technologies relating to the new Metatronic Fields, ley line/grid support, and quantum entanglement.


              • answers on how to best prepare for Earth’s elevation from Violet (3D-4D) to Diamond Earth (All-D access) and instructions for basic grid support


              • aligning to the Sovereign Source and her central womb known as the Diamond Phoenix

                Stephanie is an important and essential Catalyst in this NOW moment for Angelic Human Consciousness. She has taught me through the Diamond Dream Alchemy keys and weekly angel-gyms to claim my Sovereignty and own my Wisdom, to be True to myself and Let many things Go... I strive for Purity and Authenticity. Stephanie’s teachings are strengthening my Being and my resolve to stay centered through neutrality; always striving for more ease, more grace.

                Micheline R.

                HALO Member

                I am new to the magical, mystical and mystery teachings that Stephanie is sharing with us! I simply adore her honesty, love and light as a true being of joy and happiness. I feel humbled to be in her realm.

                Linda A.

                Energy Healer

                I don’t know how to offer words for the impact that Stephanie has had on my growth! Her understanding of angels as light codes immediately resonated. I followed her work for years until I was finally ready to say yes to the Diamond Dream Keys which have completely changed my life. 

                Wendy H.

                Angelhood Member

                Your Angelic Ascension Advisor

                Stephanie Lodge

                Founder of Angelic Academy, The Angelhood, and Angelic Summit


                Stephanie Lodge is an Angelic Activator and Magdalene Mystic. She has a BA in Metaphysics, and is an ambassador for Diamond Angels - her term for modern celestial humans. After an awakening experience in 2006 and over 12 years of direct instruction from her connection to Angelic wisdom through the channeled mentoring of Mary Magdalene, she accepted her role in assisting humanity in remembering its noble nature. She recognizes that there are many others similar to her that are here to assist in awakening and elevating humanity and our planet into what she calls the Diamond Age; the greatest age of Angelic ascension that we've ever witnessed.

                Stephanie is a direct conduit of the pure Angelic Light Streams and Sovereign Source Councils, which assist her in administering spontaneous sacred initiations, energetic healing, and what she calls HALO or Harmonic Alignment Light Optimization. The majority of what she teaches she learned and continues to learn directly from her connection to the angelic consciousness of Magdalene. She has been decoding and regaining the ancient Angelology of Magdalene Mysticism for over 12 years and is here to reveal what she knows to be the true teachings of spiritual ascension. Her mission is to gather, awaken, and empower other multifaceted "Diamond Angels" like herself to step out and radiate their brilliance for the greatest transformation of all sentient beings, while liberating humanity from the old paradigm stories that keep us stuck in co-creative cycles of bondage.



                "T​his Diamond Heart Keys series is the foundation of my Quantum HALO program and is designed to activate your true Angelic immanence. You will then have the ability to reclaim greater clarity, trust, and empowerment to move through all states of being with grace, confidence, and ease.


                I hope you will take advantage of this outstanding opportunity to activate your direct connection to spirit through the Angelic nature of your soul!"

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